
Richard Simcott
Founder and Lead Organizer
Richard Simcott is a British polyglot, who has studied over 50 languages. HarperCollins described him as one of the most multilingual people in the United Kingdom, and the Goethe Institute gave him the title Ambassador for Multilingualism.
He has many years of consulting experience using languages with diverse clients and offering his expertise on multilingual and multinational projects.
He is the original founder of the Polyglot Conference and The Language Event and manages a popular Facebook page called Speaking Fluently.

Gina Jimmink-Anderson
Travel and Tourism Facilitator
Gina joins the team this year to help all attendees facilitate and secure their travel needs to attend the Polyglot Conference Valletta. She is the owner and operator of Moonstruck Vacations and has over 25 years of experience in the travel industry. Having attended the conference since 2015 with her polyglot husband Jon, she’s excited to join the team to help attendees get the most for their money when traveling to Valletta and attending the conference. She is also currently learning Croatian.

Lucy Mears
Speaker Recruitment and Communications Liaison Manager
With a Master’s in Gender and International Relations, Lucy brings a unique perspective to the role of Speaker Recruitment and Communications Liaison Manager. She is keen to highlight a diverse range of speakers and topics at the Conference.
Lucy has experience both working and speaking at events. At the 2016 At Gender conference in Lithuania, she presented her Master’s thesis, and at the 2023 Polyglot Gathering in Poland she gave a talk about the importance of representation in the polyglot community.
Lucy has worked in events in Belgium, Switzerland and South Africa, and she currently lives in Germany, working in Communications and Events.
Lucy is also leading on the decision making process for our scholarship applications.
Lucy speaks Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese, and she is learning German. She is also a language blogger; find her at

Judy Um
Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Judy Um is a polyglot, language specialist and language teacher based in Seoul, South Korea. She hopes to promote cultural and linguistic diversity among speakers and participants at the polyglot conference.
She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Seoul National University with a B.A. in French and Hispanic literature and language and has studied at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation. She is also an associate member of the American Translators Association and the International Association of Hyperpolyglots. She has also spoken at various polyglot events such as the Polyglot Gathering, Polyglot Conference, Poliglotar and Women in Language.
Having grown up in both Seoul and Vancouver, she has always had an interest in cultural diversity and languages. She speaks Korean, English, French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Italian, and Portuguese at different levels, with a couple more languages in progress.
Languages are her true passion, love, and life. As a person who cannot imagine her life without languages, she has made it her life-long mission to perfect her language skills and share her passion with people around the world.
Find out more about her at:

Natalia Morales
Content Creator Committee

Andy GM
Content Creator Committee
Andy started her journey on Content Creation as a Spanish Expat trying to find her way in Germany at only 20 years old. Confronted with more obstacles than wins, she opened her YouTube channel hoping to help other people who also wanted to study in Germany and learn German.
Fast forward some years she now runs the biggest Spanish-speaking YouTube Channel in Germany whose topic is “the German Language and Language Acquisition”, and has gathered over 1 million followers.
She has also built her business in the German-learning sphere, as she developed innovative ways for Spanish speakers to acquire German more efficiently.
Living in multiple countries, cultures and languages has helped her develop an understanding of cultures and passion for languages that she transforms into ways of helping others achieve their polyglot and migrant dreams. She aspires to be a worthy advocate in the Polyglot Community and promote cultural diversity.
As a person who cannot imagine her life without languages, diverse cultures and travels, it is her goal to achieve high language skills while sharing her passion with people around the world.
Find out more about her at: