Xing-Yi Loy

Xing-Yi Loy

I am a 17 year-old aspiring polyglot from Singapore who is passionate about communication and have studied more than 11 languages to date. As part of my efforts to spread the love for language learning, I founded Polyglot Club SG in 2020, Singapore's 1st Polyglot Club, and have since been using it as a platform to promote language learning in Singapore, from holding foreign language translation competitions to information webinars about picking up new languages. I'm passionate about dialects and creole languages, and have previously given 2 talks at Polyglot Conference Global 2022 and 2023 on Singlish, Singapore's local creole, as well as its conservation and development.

@polyglotclubsg Instagram and Youtube

09:30 - 09:50

Voices of Heritage: The role of language in preserving culture and identity

Embark on a journey of discovery and delve into the significance of conserving minority and creole languages, deeply intertwined with the cultural fabric of communities around the world. As languages fade, we risk losing more than just words — we lose connections to history, traditions, and identities that have shaped generations. By exploring rich linguistic diversities, we will uncover how these languages serve as living expressions of culture, reinforce communal bonds, and foster a sense of belonging. This talk emphasizes the importance of preserving these linguistic treasures to maintain the full breadth of human cultural expression and collective identity!